Travis Franzoy, Lead Inspector
TREC-Licensed Home Inspector #20858
Gold Medal Inspections
17110 House & Hahl Rd Suite C-7
Cypress, TX 77433

Newly Built or New Home Construction/Phase Inspections
When building, most homeowners want Peace of Mind and Quality Assurance. The last thing any homeowner wants to hear after they move into a home is that there is a problem that could have been identified during the construction process. Once a wall has been covered, only Superman, with his X-ray vision, can see that the framing, plumbing or wiring was not installed correctly. Actually, there are some other ways to discover those errors, but usually only after extensive damage has been done, costing many dollars to be corrected.
Gold Medal Inspections understands how important it is for home owners to have Peace of Mind. Most builders have a quality control system with their own inspectors. That is a commendable and necessary idea. But they are not YOUR inspectors. They do not have YOUR best interests at heart. They are paid by the builder. When WE are YOUR home inspectors, we are working for YOU and no other.
There are many types of home inspections available for your house or building during its construction. However, unless there are extenuating circumstances, a three part (or phase) home inspection should be satisfactory for most houses. The idea of inspecting each phase of construction is to catch problems or errors in a timely manner--- before the next phase of construction begins. This allows appropriate corrections to be made before the next phase of construction begins or covers the problem.
The first inspection would be before the foundation concrete is poured. The second is after framing is completed, plumbing has been "roughed" in and electric wiring has been run, but before the walls have been covered. The third is the final, where everything should be in the right place and work correctly.
We have put together reasonable and affordable inspection packages.
We also can do two phase inspections.
Three Phase inspections are as follows:
This inspection is performed after trenches or footers have been dug and all metal and
pipe casings and/or liners have been put into place, but before pouring concrete.
• All known plan measurements of depth and width of footings are verified.
• All metal- rebar, beams, tension cables, etc.- are inspected for proper placement and
• All known pipe and sleeve measurements are verified for proper placement.
This inspection is performed prior to drywall or other interior wall covering being installed.
• Inspect for defective, warped, missing and misplaced framing members
• Inspect for proper wood grades, placement, span measurement, notching,
borings, and truss usage.
• Inspect anchor bolts, fire blocking and truss ties
• Inspect framing fasteners and connectors for proper schedules
• Visually inspect the electrical wires and plumbing installed through the
framing system including proper nail stop protection
• Visually check the HVAC rough-ins and duct conditions
• Visually check Air Handler condensation drain and overflow drain lines
• Check exterior walls, sheeting seal, wall penetrations, windows and sealants
• Visually check exterior electrical and lighting fixtures
Final Home Inspection
This inspection is conducted when all construction is complete. This is basically the same inspection we do on all houses new or used. On new houses, it must be coordinated with the builder's schedule to be sure all systems are complete and ready for occupation. It should be completed before closing with enough time remaining to accomplish any necessary repairs.
It is the final inspection to verify that all Structural, Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing systems are installed and operating as intended including, but not limited to:
• Full home inspection meeting or exceeding all requirements of the Standard of Practice
as delineated by the Texas Real Estate Commission (TREC) - link to standards (here)
• Inspect the Structure including: Foundation, Grading and Drainage, Roof Covering,
Roof Structure and Attic, Walls (interior and exterior), Ceilings and Floors, Doors,
Windows, Fireplace/Chimney, Porches, Decks, Driveways, Carports
• Inspect Electrical Systems including: Service Entrance & Panels, Branch Circuits,
Outlets, Switches, Fixtures, Disconnects, GFCI's
• Inspect Heating, Venting and Air Conditioning Systems, Ducts
• Inspect Water Supply System, Fixtures, Drains, Wastes Vents,
and Water Heating Equipment.
• Inspect built in Appliances, and other Optional Systems
The "final" inspection is the type of inspections that is done when we are asked to do an "inspection". We can only tell you what we can see, touch, or test. We cannot see through concrete or walls. When you buy a completed house, whether "New" or "Used", this is the only type inspection that can be accomplished without destruction of the media (drywall, concrete, etc.) that obstructs our vision.
Warning: Before you buy a new house-know this
We have many great home builders in Texas. Most try very hard to give the best possible house for your money. But, did you know that builders here do not need a license? Inspectors, Realtors, Plumbers, Electricians, Heating and Air Conditioning Technicians, and Pest Control Technicians all need to be licensed by the State of Texas. But, not builders.
Builders do not need a license in Texas !!!! They do need to register, but they are not regulated in any meaningful way. There are almost no requirements to call yourself a "Builder".
You must ALWAYS exercise"due diligence" before you buy a new house, or any house from ANY builder. The following check list is offered to help get you started. It is not complete, but only a beginning guideline.
How to find a good Home Builder in The Greater Houston Area:
Visit the BBB web site, to check out the builder's history.
Visit theGreaterHoustonBuilder'sAssociation (GHBA)website:
Its a great organization and may be able to help you determine the qualifications of a given builder as well as their history and education.
Do an inquiry on Google with the builder as the subject. You may be able to get much information from past buyers or building organizations.
Visit previous buyers in the subdivision in which you are interested to learn of their experiences with the builder. Just go down the street knocking on doors. You may be surprised at what you'll learn, and the money you may save.
Ask the builder: 1) If they will allow your own licensed inspector to inspect the house in phases as well as a final inspection. See what their attitude is. Good builders usually welcome outside inspectors as a help for them to discover errors or honest mistakes that they might miss. Some builders will try to throw up obstacles to outside inspection. If a builder tells you that they have their own inspectors and therefore you don't need your own inspection, you had better be very careful. 2) If they will show the building plans to your inspector. If they don't, why not? What do they have to hide? An inspector on a construction phase inspection will need those plans and schedules to the check that measurement are correct and that the proper materials have been used. 3) If they belong to the BBB 4) If they belong to the Greater Houston Builder's Association.
Request an Inspection
Or Call 281-367-3111
To Schedule Your Inspection Today!!